Copy the contents of your certificate and paste it at the bottom of each of these files.
For me, it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\Lib\site-packages. cer extension.įind the site-packages folder inside Azure CLI's program folder. You will need your proxy's root certificate in PEM format - that is, as base64 text rather than as a binary. While Python itself uses the Windows certificate store, some packages (notably certifi) do not. The stress test uses the results from Farmer Mac's interest rate risk. If not, and you see a certificate error, the extra step is to find the Azure CLI's private Python installation, and add your root certificate to its cacert.pem files. The stress test application of the loss rates is discussed in section 4.3, Risk. If that fixes it for you, you can stop reading here. ::SetEnvironmentVariable('HTTPS_PROXY', ' 'Machine') ::SetEnvironmentVariable('HTTP_PROXY', ' 'Machine') SET HTTP_PROXY SET HTTPS_PROXY Or, to set them permanently: Note that (in my case, at least) both URLs start with http, not https.
The environment variables mentioned in the other answer are part of the solution, so you do need to set them by running these commands before az login.